Divine Word College of Calapan
The Home of Quality Education

Divine Word College of Calapan

Physical Education

Bachelor of Physical Education

As teaching profession, Physical Education is a seamless activity of designing and delivering learning activities, providing quality instruction, managing the classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as monitoring. This requires a deep, broad and integrated knowledge of the subject matter and its learner, which in turns inform the PE teacher’s choices in terms of meaningful curricular content, the creation of inclusive environments and the employment of effective learning strategies.

As a curricular subject, Physical Education aimed at physical literacy, which serve as the foundation for confident, enjoyable and sustained participation in a wide range of physical activities. Thus, it consist of developmentally appropriate activities. PE also aims to optimize health through learning experiences aimed at the formation of physical activity and healthy eating habits, as well as dispositions. 

The Bachelor of Physical Education is a four-year program aimed at equipping graduates with the competencies to meet the psychomotor, cognitive and affective needs of learners. These consist of the following:

  1. a strong and substantial foundation of the subject matter (disciplinary knowledge) that informs their curricular choices when planning, designing, implementing and assessing learning activities
  2. an understanding of the scope and sequence of various movement forms; as well as elements, strategies and tactics of these various movements in a multitude of settings that enables them to meet the needs of learners to know how, be able to do and how to learn.
  3. expert knowledge of pedagogy for maximizing student engagement, mentoring students and modeling respect for differences in gender, ability and culture,
  4. reflective practice that propels them to set high standards for and hold themselves accountable to the professional standards; enables them to identify gaps in their current competencies and pursue professional development opportunities; and assist them in studying the impact of their teaching on student learning
  5. and building and cultivating relationships with colleagues, stakeholders and other professionals and learning communities; advocating for PE, being role models of integrity and professional excellence, as well as leaders in the service of education.
    Source: CHED Memorandum Order 80 Series of 2017