Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Political science is the study of government, public policies, and political behavior, using both humanistic and scientific perspectives and skills to examine all countries and regions of the world. From this definition, it is important to emphasize that the discipline deals with a rather broad spectrum of concerns, from understanding the link between the individual (micro) and the institutional (macro) up to the national to the global structures policy making and politics.
An undergraduate degree in political science must constantly keep abreast with the changes in the discipline’s content, theory, and methodology. And, this undergraduate degree must also root itself to the constant changes in the national and global political landscape.
Source: CHED Memorandum Order 51 Series of 2017
Career Pathways
As a versatile social science degree, political science leads to a variety of career paths. Some graduates take entry-level political jobs, while others pursue jobs in business, law, or education.
Government and Public Service: Political science graduates often find opportunities in government agencies, legislative bodies, and public service organizations. They can work as policymakers, legislative aides, political analysts, or in administrative roles within local, state, or national government entities.
Political Campaigns and Elections: Graduates can work on political campaigns, serving as campaign managers, campaign strategists, or communication directors. They may also work for political parties, contributing to campaign fundraising, voter outreach, and policy research.
Policy Analysis and Research: Many political science graduates choose careers as policy analysts or researchers. They analyze public policies, evaluate their effectiveness, and propose policy recommendations. They may work for government think tanks, research institutions, advocacy organizations, or consulting firms.
International Relations and Diplomacy: Political science graduates can pursue careers in international organizations, foreign affairs departments, or diplomatic services. They may work as diplomats, foreign policy analysts, international development specialists, or experts in global security and conflict resolution.
Nonprofit and Advocacy Organizations: Graduates can work for nonprofit organizations focused on social justice, human rights, environmental issues, or public interest advocacy. They may engage in policy advocacy, community organizing, program management, or research and analysis.
Law and Legal Services: Political science is a common undergraduate major for individuals pursuing a legal career. Many graduates go on to law school to become lawyers or work in legal services, specializing in areas such as constitutional law, international law, or public policy.
Journalism and Media: Political science graduates often possess strong research, analytical, and communication skills, making them well-suited for careers in journalism and media. They can work as political reporters, news analysts, editors, or contributors to political commentary and analysis.
Research and Academia: Political science graduates can pursue careers in research institutions or academia. They may choose to become professors, teaching and conducting research at universities or colleges. They can also work in research organizations or think tanks, focusing on policy analysis and political science research.