The Divine Word College of Calapan Office of the Registrar is a leading support department that administers operations in the areas of enrollment, student records, graduation, and other related services. It is the custodian of academic records of students, and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the records under its care, making them available upon request, subject to existing rules and regulations.
The Office of the Registrar envisions itself to be the heart of DWCC community in providing efficient and quality student records services, and meet the changing needs and expectations of its clients.
To provide quality student records services by continually promoting innovation among our staff and integrating the latest technologies available in the field
Services & Policies
- Preserve and safeguard the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and security of the student information system and of students’ academic records.
- Deliver quality support services responsive to the needs of the academic community.
- Enforce government and school regulations regarding admission requirements, students’ enrollment, crediting, transfer, promotions, subject load and sequence, and graduation.
- Builds up and maintain updated evaluation of students’ academic records.
- Maintain an effective system of student records management.
- Coordinate with the deans and other offices on matters relative to student academic needs.
- Prepare school calendar.
- Prepare periodic reports and statistical data required from the office by the school or by government regulatory agencies.
- Attend to correspondence and ensure prompt compliance with requests for records and other information required from the office.
- Acquire knowledge on most recent CHED Memorandum Order and stay current on regulations impacting academic records
Verification of records
For verification of students who attended, and graduates of DWCC, and/or of documents submitted by your applicants, purportedly issued by our office, please follow the procedures below:
- In your company letterhead, please prepare a letter of request for verification of academic information, stating the complete name (used while in school) of the student/graduate and the purpose of the verification.
- The letter must be duly signed by the Human Resources Manager/Director or its equivalent (for employment verification)
- Please attach the following:
- A copy of the document to be verified
- Authorization to release records signed by your applicant.
- Your company/institution profile
- Send the letter to the address below:The RegistrarDivine Word College of CalapanCalapan City, Oriental Mindoro
You may send the documents via mail, or you can also email the scanned documents to registrar@dwcc.edu.ph
Issuance of Certificates
- Enrollment
- Units Earned
- Course Description
- Candidacy for Graduation/Academic Completion
- Graduation
- Graduation with Honors
- General Weighted Average (GWA)
- Grades
- English as medium of instruction
- Ranking (for undergraduate students only)
- Others (only for matters with readily-available data and are verifiable)
Certifications may be issued as requested, regardless of frequency and number of copies.
Issuance of Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records is an inventory of the courses taken and grades earned of a student throughout his stay in Divine Word College of Calapan, including transferred credits from other schools.
Issuance of Transfer Credentials
The “Transfer Credentials” (formerly referred to as “Honorable Dismissal”) is a document certifying that a student has no pending accountabilities with a school and is eligible for transfer to another educational institution, or for admission into another degree program in the same educational institution.
Issuance of Diploma
The Diploma is a legal document that certifies the completion of a degree program. The College President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs sign the Diploma.
Authentication of Documents Issued such as Diploma, Certifications, Transcript of Records
Change of Personal Information
Personal information stored in the database of the school may be changed depending on certain circumstances.
The following are common cases where change of personal information may be done:
- Change of Name
- Correction of Name
- Change of Civil Status
Documentary support
A request for change of personal information must be accompanied by certain documents, as follows:
For Change of Name
- Copy of Marriage Certificate from PSA (if change is due to marriage) or Certified True Copy of Court Order (if change is due to other reasons, such as adoption)
- An annotated copy of the Birth Certificate from PSA
For Correction of Name
- Affidavit* of Change of Name (executed by student if of legal age or by parent on-record at DWCC)
- Joint Affidavit* of two (2) disinterested parties
- Copy of the Birth Certificate from PSA
For Change of Civil Status
- Certified true copy of Marriage Contract (if change is due to marriage)
- Certified true copy of Death Certificate (if change is due to death of spouse)
- Certified true copy of Court Order (if change is due to annulment, legal separation, etc.)
*An affidavit may be executed only by a person of legal age and should be duly notarized. For an affidavit executed outside the Philippines, the same must be authenticated by the Philippine embassy/consulate in the country where the affidavit was executed.
CHED CAV Requests
Certification, Authentication and Verification of Documents (CAV)
Certification, Authentication, and Verification (CAV) is the official and formal processes and acts of checking, reviewing, and certifying the genuineness and veracity of available academic records of a learner duly performed by the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Foreign Affairs
Students shall be admitted upon submission of:
- Original copy of SF 9 (School Form 9) duly signed by the principal for senior high school graduates applying for college entrance for the first time.
Certification of Eligibility to Transfer with True Copy of Grades if transferee.
Student who wishes to transfer but has finished more than 75% of the subjects in the program he/she intends to take is not qualified to transfer to DWCC.
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from the last school attended.
- Copy of Birth Certificate from PSA.
- Four (4) copies of ID picture (2×2).
- Copy of Marriage Certificate (for married women).
Students with pending promissory notes will not be allowed to enroll the following semester unless the credentials promised such as OTR, Birth Certificate, SF 10 are submitted before or during the enrollment period.
- The load and sequence of subjects shall be in accordance with the approved curriculum for each program or course of study.
- No subject may be taken unless the pre-requisite subjects have been taken and passed.
- Upon the discretion of school authorities, a graduating student may be allowed an additional subject load in excess of the regular load indicated in the curriculum.
- No student should be allowed to enroll in the 4th year unless the student has already taken and passed all PE and NSTP subjects.
Changes may be done not later than the last day of registration. All changes, adding and dropping of subjects should be accomplished in the prescribed form. All changes of subject shall be:
- Noted by the instructors concerned,
- Referred to the School Dean for advice and approval,
- Noted by the Registrar for final authoritative action,
- Presented to the encoder for processing, and
- Submitted to the Accounting office (for those who dropped all subjects)
A student may be permitted to drop his subject provided that:
- It is not during or after the mid-term exams.
- His/her absences do not exceed the maximum number of hours of absences allowed in the subject being dropped.
Students who have fulfilled satisfactorily all the requirements for graduation will be granted their respective degrees under the following conditions:
- The candidate must have formally applied for a degree on a form prescribed by the college and must have filed the application with the Registrar’s office on or before the date specified.
- He must have completed all the academic and non-academic requirements of this College.
- He must have submitted all the necessary credentials (i.e. SF10, OTR, original Birth Certificate from PSA).
- He must have settled his financial obligations with the College.
A student must be cleared from all financial obligation and administrative accountabilities from the different schools or units of the college before a document (diploma, transcript of records, certification, transfer credentials or other similar documents or records) is issued to him.
- All students applying for transfer credentials/graduation must surrender the DWCC identification card.
- In the case of a student who is a transferee from another school, a transfer credential signed by the Registrar shall be issued provided that, his records from his previous school have been received, are complete, and in order.
- The release of the transfer credentials of any student may be withheld for reasons of suspension, expulsion or non-payment of financial obligations or property responsibility of the student to the school. The credentials shall be released as soon as his obligation shall have been settled or the penalty of suspension lifted.
- Credentials will only be issued to the person concerned. In the event of his inability to secure the documents needed, he should authorize his representative in writing. The authorization letter should contain:
- The identity and personal circumstances of the owner. This is usually the student’s name, date of birth and period of stay in school, and if graduated, the course and year graduated from.
- The name of the representative and the relationship to the owner of the record.
- The document being requested, the number of copies and the purpose for the documents sought.
As a rule, an authorization is valid only for a specific request. If the owner wishes to authorize the same person to request for another set of documents in the future, then another letter of authorization must be issued.
Sufficient proof of identity must be established both for the owner and his representative. This includes copies of at least two (2) valid identification cards from both the owner and his representative.

Mrs. Nympha G. Malabanan, MBA

Ms. Angel Ann G. Cleofe
Records Evaluator- Graduate Programs

Mrs. Sheryl M. Fortu, MBA (Window 2)
Records Evaluator -BSBA, BS Architecture, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Mrs. Melanie A. Lasquite (Window 3)
Records Evaluator- BS Civil Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering

Ms. Jessica Mae T. Decillo, MPA (Window 4)
Records Evaluator - AB, BSCrim, BEED, BSED,BPEd,BSTM & BS Psychology

Mrs. Arlene B. Maramot, MBA (Window 5)
Records Evaluator - BSIT, BSA, BS Mgt.Acctg.
DWCC-CHED Scholarship Coordinator/ DWCC -TES FOCAL PERSON

Ms. Grace L. Adra, LPT (Window 6)
Records Evaluator -BSHM, BSCpE, BSECE
- Specific Objectives
- Services Offered
- Policies
- Registrar & Staff
- Preserve and safeguard the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and security of the student information system and of students’ academic records.
- Deliver quality support services responsive to the needs of the academic community.
- Enforce government and school regulations regarding admission requirements, students’ enrollment, crediting, transfer, promotions, subject load and sequence, and graduation.
- Builds up and maintain updated evaluation of students’ academic records.
- Maintain an effective system of student records management.
- Coordinate with the deans and other offices on matters relative to student academic needs.
- Prepare school calendar.
- Prepare periodic reports and statistical data required from the office by the school or by government regulatory agencies.
- Attend to correspondence and ensure prompt compliance with requests for records and other information required from the office.
- Acquire knowledge on most recent CHED Memorandum Order and stay current on regulations impacting academic records
Verification of records
For verification of students who attended, and graduates of DWCC, and/or of documents submitted by your applicants, purportedly issued by our office, please follow the procedures below:
- In your company letterhead, please prepare a letter of request for verification of academic information, stating the complete name (used while in school) of the student/graduate and the purpose of the verification.
- The letter must be duly signed by the Human Resources Manager/Director or its equivalent (for employment verification)
- Please attach the following:
- A copy of the document to be verified
- Authorization to release records signed by your applicant.
- Your company/institution profile
- Send the letter to the address below:The RegistrarDivine Word College of CalapanCalapan City, Oriental Mindoro
You may send the documents via mail, or you can also email the scanned documents to registrar@dwcc.edu.ph
Issuance of Certificates
- Enrollment
- Units Earned
- Course Description
- Candidacy for Graduation/Academic Completion
- Graduation
- Graduation with Honors
- General Weighted Average (GWA)
- Grades
- English as medium of instruction
- Ranking (for undergraduate students only)
- Others (only for matters with readily-available data and are verifiable)
Certifications may be issued as requested, regardless of frequency and number of copies.
Issuance of Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records is an inventory of the courses taken and grades earned of a student throughout his stay in Divine Word College of Calapan, including transferred credits from other schools.
Issuance of Transfer Credentials
The “Transfer Credentials” (formerly referred to as “Honorable Dismissal”) is a document certifying that a student has no pending accountabilities with a school and is eligible for transfer to another educational institution, or for admission into another degree program in the same educational institution.
Issuance of Diploma
The Diploma is a legal document that certifies the completion of a degree program. The College President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs sign the Diploma.
Authentication of Documents Issued such as Diploma, Certifications, Transcript of Records
Change of Personal Information
Personal information stored in the database of the school may be changed depending on certain circumstances.
The following are common cases where change of personal information may be done:
- Change of Name
- Correction of Name
- Change of Civil Status
Documentary support
A request for change of personal information must be accompanied by certain documents, as follows:
For Change of Name
- Copy of Marriage Certificate from PSA (if change is due to marriage) or Certified True Copy of Court Order (if change is due to other reasons, such as adoption)
- An annotated copy of the Birth Certificate from PSA
For Correction of Name
- Affidavit* of Change of Name (executed by student if of legal age or by parent on-record at DWCC)
- Joint Affidavit* of two (2) disinterested parties
- Copy of the Birth Certificate from PSA
For Change of Civil Status
- Certified true copy of Marriage Contract (if change is due to marriage)
- Certified true copy of Death Certificate (if change is due to death of spouse)
- Certified true copy of Court Order (if change is due to annulment, legal separation, etc.)
*An affidavit may be executed only by a person of legal age and should be duly notarized. For an affidavit executed outside the Philippines, the same must be authenticated by the Philippine embassy/consulate in the country where the affidavit was executed.
CHED CAV Requests
Certification, Authentication and Verification of Documents (CAV)
Certification, Authentication, and Verification (CAV) is the official and formal processes and acts of checking, reviewing, and certifying the genuineness and veracity of available academic records of a learner duly performed by the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Foreign Affairs
Students shall be admitted upon submission of:
- Original copy of SF 9 (School Form 9) duly signed by the principal for senior high school graduates applying for college entrance for the first time.
Certification of Eligibility to Transfer with True Copy of Grades if transferee.
Student who wishes to transfer but has finished more than 75% of the subjects in the program he/she intends to take is not qualified to transfer to DWCC.
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from the last school attended.
- Copy of Birth Certificate from PSA.
- Four (4) copies of ID picture (2×2).
- Copy of Marriage Certificate (for married women).
Students with pending promissory notes will not be allowed to enroll the following semester unless the credentials promised such as OTR, Birth Certificate, SF 10 are submitted before or during the enrollment period.
- The load and sequence of subjects shall be in accordance with the approved curriculum for each program or course of study.
- No subject may be taken unless the pre-requisite subjects have been taken and passed.
- Upon the discretion of school authorities, a graduating student may be allowed an additional subject load in excess of the regular load indicated in the curriculum.
- No student should be allowed to enroll in the 4th year unless the student has already taken and passed all PE and NSTP subjects.
Changes may be done not later than the last day of registration. All changes, adding and dropping of subjects should be accomplished in the prescribed form. All changes of subject shall be:
- Noted by the instructors concerned,
- Referred to the School Dean for advice and approval,
- Noted by the Registrar for final authoritative action,
- Presented to the encoder for processing, and
- Submitted to the Accounting office (for those who dropped all subjects)
A student may be permitted to drop his subject provided that:
- It is not during or after the mid-term exams.
- His/her absences do not exceed the maximum number of hours of absences allowed in the subject being dropped.
Students who have fulfilled satisfactorily all the requirements for graduation will be granted their respective degrees under the following conditions:
- The candidate must have formally applied for a degree on a form prescribed by the college and must have filed the application with the Registrar’s office on or before the date specified.
- He must have completed all the academic and non-academic requirements of this College.
- He must have submitted all the necessary credentials (i.e. SF10, OTR, original Birth Certificate from PSA).
- He must have settled his financial obligations with the College.
A student must be cleared from all financial obligation and administrative accountabilities from the different schools or units of the college before a document (diploma, transcript of records, certification, transfer credentials or other similar documents or records) is issued to him.
- All students applying for transfer credentials/graduation must surrender the DWCC identification card.
- In the case of a student who is a transferee from another school, a transfer credential signed by the Registrar shall be issued provided that, his records from his previous school have been received, are complete, and in order.
- The release of the transfer credentials of any student may be withheld for reasons of suspension, expulsion or non-payment of financial obligations or property responsibility of the student to the school. The credentials shall be released as soon as his obligation shall have been settled or the penalty of suspension lifted.
- Credentials will only be issued to the person concerned. In the event of his inability to secure the documents needed, he should authorize his representative in writing. The authorization letter should contain:
- The identity and personal circumstances of the owner. This is usually the student’s name, date of birth and period of stay in school, and if graduated, the course and year graduated from.
- The name of the representative and the relationship to the owner of the record.
- The document being requested, the number of copies and the purpose for the documents sought.
As a rule, an authorization is valid only for a specific request. If the owner wishes to authorize the same person to request for another set of documents in the future, then another letter of authorization must be issued.
Sufficient proof of identity must be established both for the owner and his representative. This includes copies of at least two (2) valid identification cards from both the owner and his representative.

Mrs. Nympha G. Malabanan, MBA

Ms. Angel Ann G. Cleofe
Records Evaluator- Graduate Programs

Mrs. Sheryl M. Fortu, MBA (Window 2)
Records Evaluator -BSBA, BS Architecture, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Mrs. Melanie A. Lasquite (Window 3)
Records Evaluator- BS Civil Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering

Ms. Jessica Mae T. Decillo, MPA (Window 4)
Records Evaluator - AB, BSCrim, BEED, BSED,BPEd,BSTM & BS Psychology

Mrs. Arlene B. Maramot, MBA (Window 5)
Records Evaluator - BSIT, BSA, BS Mgt.Acctg.
DWCC-CHED Scholarship Coordinator/ DWCC -TES FOCAL PERSON

Ms. Grace L. Adra, LPT (Window 6)
Records Evaluator -BSHM, BSCpE, BSECE
Contact Information
Telephone Numbers
288-9311 to 9316 local 1206 – General Information
288-9311 to 9316 local 1205 – Verification
288-9311 to 9316 local 1207 – CHED Scholarship
Email address: registrar@dwcc.edu.ph.