The present campus programs of Divine Word College of Calapan have sprung from humble beginnings in 1946. Gradually, the Mindoro Junior College became Mindoro College and now Divine Word College of Calapan. In various ways over the years, the administrator, faculty, administrative employees and students have worked together to create a climate for academic excellence, research and community service, imbuing each with a Christian spirit and dimension.
The fostering of the Catholic tradition and values is a responsibility which is not to be left to one person or several persons in an institution as large as the Divine Word College of Calapan. In the past, it could be simplistically stated that the theology instructors were to teach faith, while the College chaplain was to lead in the liturgical celebration of the sacraments on campus. This perception is now outdated and in need of revision.
Theological study continues to be the means by which a student develops a linguistic fluency in his/her catholic faith. The teaching of theology can continue to be the means of keeping alive the great questions of meaning, purpose and identity, thereby providing a coherent vision of life as well as a framework by which to evaluate life. In a well-rounded Christian education, the teachings of the Church are presented with a fidelity to the magisterium and with the contemporary situation in mind.
One of the important ways the Church exercises her mission in an educational setting is through Campus Ministry. Our own history in Divine Word College of Calapan reflects the evolving of our understanding of Campus Ministry. From 1948-1990, the College Chaplain was established focusing on the ministry and service of one person. From 1987-1990, we have had the office of Campus Ministry, and this school year 1991-1992, we envision moving towards a team ministry under a Director of Campus Ministry.
At present time, there is a need to evolve further our approach to Campus Ministry. Many of us on campus may have a model of ministry in our minds which separates priest from laity, or which separates those who provide religious services from those who receive, often possibly, these services. Such a model of ministry usually fails to create a vibrant community of CARING, COMMITTED and DEDICATED persons.
The insight that is before us today is that all members of the Church on campus are called, according to their own gifts to share in ministry; true, the entire campus will still be guided by professional campus minister, but the gifts of all are to be called forth, to be put at the service of the entire campus community. The emerging leaders of Church and society, namely our students, are to be exposed to the best of our Catholic Tradition and to encounter dedicated persons who will share their journey of faith with them. The time right to challenge faculty members, administrators, support staff and students to contribute their time and gifts to the common effort of helping the Divine Word College of Calapan achieve its goal and build up the Church on campus.
Services, Programs and Events

Fr. Renato L. Malbog, SVD
Campus Chaplain

Fr. Bernardo R.Collera, SVD, RGC
Associate Campus Chaplain/Basic Education Director

Mr. Joelito C. Oliverio, LPT
Lay Campus Minister

Ms. Lara Jane A. Lagustan, LPT
CMO Secretary

The Campus Ministry envisions a community of witnesses to the world.

Provide a meaningful pastoral ministry on liturgy and worship, spiritual formation and evangelization to build a community of disciples.
To actively participate in the promotion of the four SVD Characteristic Dimensions namely Biblical Apostolate. Social Communications, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Mission Animation. To engage in prophetic dialogue with faith seekers, poor and marginalized, other cultures and other faith traditions. To foster renewed lives of faith through recollection, retreat, celebration of the sacraments and other para-liturgical activities. To foster a family like apostolate wherein spiritual guidance, counseling and formation are accessible to those in need.
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
Frequent celebration of the Holy Eucharist for all the members of the Divine Word College Campus Ministry
8:00 am | Daily Community Mass at the DWCC Chapel |
4:00 pm | Daily Community Mass at the DWCC Chapel |
7:30 am | Daily Class Mass at the DWCC Basic Ed. Chapel |
7:30 am | Sunday Mass, Every 3rd Sunday @ Salong, Calapan City |
9:00 am | Sponsored Sunday Mass @ DWCC Chapel |
9:00 am | Every Thursday, Holy Mass @ DWCC Pinamalayan Campus |
8:00 am | Sunday Mass @ Calauang Community, Guinobatan, Calapan City. |
Catholic Organizations
Catholic Organizations are to be promoted on Campus. In the past, the activity of the Student Catholic Action and the Legion of Mary were noted. At present, there are student’s religious organizations like the KOA (Knights of the Altar or Altar Boys), Vocation Club, SAYM (Saint Arnold Youth Ministry), Philharmonics, YFC (Youth for Christ), SFC (Single’s for Christ), CYWW (Circle of Young Witnesses to the Word), EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist), LWEC (Lectors of the Word in the Eucharistic Celebration) and the Children of Mary. The Campus Ministry Office in coordination with the Committee on Religious Organizations is to make a careful study in order to promote the formation of relevant groups. Such organizations are to be established in close coordination with the office of the director of Student Affairs.
Liturgical Bible Studies
Divine Word Missionaries are to have a great love for God’s Word. It is logical that every member of the Society will want to nourish his fellow human beings with the Word of God as revealed in Sacred Scriptures. Bible Sharing Groups are to be promoted in all departments. Biblical exegetes in the country can be invited for lecture series and special presentations.
Arnold Janssen Lecture Series
These lectures are held annually. The lectures are to reflect the deep Christian and Missionary spirit of Saint Arnold Janssen. It is incorporated in every lesson from Basic Education to College students and Graduate School.
Religious Instruction
The RC/SC takes charge of the Religious Instruction in the College. Religious Instruction in the College and Basic Education is placed under the direct supervision of the DCRA. Special effort is to be made to recruit students for the BSED and BEED Religious Education.
Vocational Promotion
The Campus Minister will promote vocations through their own witnessing. They will be of service to any person who approaches them for information or sacramental assistance.
Online/Offline Novena and Holy Mass
To seek the intercession of a saint for spiritual growth, healing, or asking for divine assistance. Also, it is for devotion and a way for individuals to deepen their connection with their faith. Novena prayer for St. Arnold Janssen and St. Joseph Freinademetz held annually. Perpetual Help Novena every Wednesday (within the mass), with group assignments every novena.
SVD Week Celebrations
The celebration of SVD Week is connected to religious education. This event features a variety of activities, including online quizzes, contests, webinars, a songwriting competition for the SVD theme, etc.
4CD Camp/SAY Camp (St. Arnold Youth Camp)
The campus ministry sends a student to the 4CD camp as a representative of the school, either locally or nationally. This is to intensify the program on JPIC, Communication and Mission Animation.
- First Communion
- Confirmation (with proper coordination to Sto. Niño Cathedral)
- Confession
- Holy Anointing of the Sick
- Prayer Service for the Dead
- Open Campus Station of the Cross / Istasyon ng Krus sa Bukang Liwayway
- Pabasa ng Pasyon in the Spirit of Tapungan
- Living Rosary
- May Flower Offering
- Requiem Mass
- Making and Blessing of Advent Wreath
- Traditional Simbang Gabi
- Blessing of the Throat
- Ash Wednesday
- LWEC/EMHC Formation
- KOA (Knights of the Altar) Formation
- Leadership Team / Organizational Chart
- Vision, Mission & Goals
- Services
- Other Programs/Events

Fr. Renato L. Malbog, SVD
Campus Chaplain

Fr. Bernardo R.Collera, SVD, RGC
Associate Campus Chaplain/Basic Education Director

Mr. Joelito C. Oliverio, LPT
Lay Campus Minister

Ms. Lara Jane A. Lagustan, LPT
CMO Secretary

The Campus Ministry envisions a community of witnesses to the world.

Provide a meaningful pastoral ministry on liturgy and worship, spiritual formation and evangelization to build a community of disciples.
To actively participate in the promotion of the four SVD Characteristic Dimensions namely Biblical Apostolate. Social Communications, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Mission Animation. To engage in prophetic dialogue with faith seekers, poor and marginalized, other cultures and other faith traditions. To foster renewed lives of faith through recollection, retreat, celebration of the sacraments and other para-liturgical activities. To foster a family like apostolate wherein spiritual guidance, counseling and formation are accessible to those in need.
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
Frequent celebration of the Holy Eucharist for all the members of the Divine Word College Campus Ministry
8:00 am | Daily Community Mass at the DWCC Chapel |
4:00 pm | Daily Community Mass at the DWCC Chapel |
7:30 am | Daily Class Mass at the DWCC Basic Ed. Chapel |
7:30 am | Sunday Mass, Every 3rd Sunday @ Salong, Calapan City |
9:00 am | Sponsored Sunday Mass @ DWCC Chapel |
9:00 am | Every Thursday, Holy Mass @ DWCC Pinamalayan Campus |
8:00 am | Sunday Mass @ Calauang Community, Guinobatan, Calapan City. |
Catholic Organizations
Catholic Organizations are to be promoted on Campus. In the past, the activity of the Student Catholic Action and the Legion of Mary were noted. At present, there are student’s religious organizations like the KOA (Knights of the Altar or Altar Boys), Vocation Club, SAYM (Saint Arnold Youth Ministry), Philharmonics, YFC (Youth for Christ), SFC (Single’s for Christ), CYWW (Circle of Young Witnesses to the Word), EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist), LWEC (Lectors of the Word in the Eucharistic Celebration) and the Children of Mary. The Campus Ministry Office in coordination with the Committee on Religious Organizations is to make a careful study in order to promote the formation of relevant groups. Such organizations are to be established in close coordination with the office of the director of Student Affairs.
Liturgical Bible Studies
Divine Word Missionaries are to have a great love for God’s Word. It is logical that every member of the Society will want to nourish his fellow human beings with the Word of God as revealed in Sacred Scriptures. Bible Sharing Groups are to be promoted in all departments. Biblical exegetes in the country can be invited for lecture series and special presentations.
Arnold Janssen Lecture Series
These lectures are held annually. The lectures are to reflect the deep Christian and Missionary spirit of Saint Arnold Janssen. It is incorporated in every lesson from Basic Education to College students and Graduate School.
Religious Instruction
The RC/SC takes charge of the Religious Instruction in the College. Religious Instruction in the College and Basic Education is placed under the direct supervision of the DCRA. Special effort is to be made to recruit students for the BSED and BEED Religious Education.
Vocational Promotion
The Campus Minister will promote vocations through their own witnessing. They will be of service to any person who approaches them for information or sacramental assistance.
Online/Offline Novena and Holy Mass
To seek the intercession of a saint for spiritual growth, healing, or asking for divine assistance. Also, it is for devotion and a way for individuals to deepen their connection with their faith. Novena prayer for St. Arnold Janssen and St. Joseph Freinademetz held annually. Perpetual Help Novena every Wednesday (within the mass), with group assignments every novena.
SVD Week Celebrations
The celebration of SVD Week is connected to religious education. This event features a variety of activities, including online quizzes, contests, webinars, a songwriting competition for the SVD theme, etc.
4CD Camp/SAY Camp (St. Arnold Youth Camp)
The campus ministry sends a student to the 4CD camp as a representative of the school, either locally or nationally. This is to intensify the program on JPIC, Communication and Mission Animation.
- First Communion
- Confirmation (with proper coordination to Sto. Niño Cathedral)
- Confession
- Holy Anointing of the Sick
- Prayer Service for the Dead
- Open Campus Station of the Cross / Istasyon ng Krus sa Bukang Liwayway
- Pabasa ng Pasyon in the Spirit of Tapungan
- Living Rosary
- May Flower Offering
- Requiem Mass
- Making and Blessing of Advent Wreath
- Traditional Simbang Gabi
- Blessing of the Throat
- Ash Wednesday
- LWEC/EMHC Formation
- KOA (Knights of the Altar) Formation
Campus Ministry Activities

Contact Information
Email Address
Divine Word College of Calapan Campus Ministry